Needs List
We urgently need the items listed below. Please consider donating! All donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE, contact us for information!
THANK YOU for all of the donations! We, and those we serve, are extremely grateful for your generosity and willingness to provide much needed items. Our current needs are:
Financial donations - we purchase city bus passes regularly to provide to the people we serve for transportation to work, appointments, and general use. These are costly to purchase in the quantity that we need. We also purchase items that are not donated and are limited in our stock.
Winter boots - warm, in good condition, no dress boots - please.
Hoodies - these are in need year-round. We need hoodies in sizes L, XL, XXL, and larger
Sweatpants - People will layer sweatpants over jeans or other pants. We need sweatpants in sizes L and larger
Extra large gloves and mittens
For monetary donations or for gifts of food cards or gas cards: please MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE to
Chippewa Valley Street Ministry and send it to the following address:
Chippewa Valley Street Ministry
P.O. Box 51
Eau Claire, WI 54702
Or use our Donate button at the bottom of this page.
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd is available for donation drop-off with limited hours (usually 8am-1pm M-F). Please call the church office for available times:
**If you have a donation other than what can be mailed, or you need a specific time to drop off a donation, please contact us and we'll work with you to find a time and place to meet.**
Plymouth Street Ministry and Chippewa Valley Street Ministry are one in the same. We are gradually changing our name from Plymouth Street Ministry to Chippewa Valley Street Ministry. The name was changed to reflect that our volunteers and support come from many churches and also UW-Eau Claire in addition to Plymouth UCC. Our missions will not be altered in any manner. Contact us via email with questions!
On behalf of the people we serve and that benefit from your donation, thank you!
Chippewa Valley Street Ministry is a ministry that seeks to meet the needs of those who are not able to find housing, clothing and other various needs to survive. On most Monday and Thursday nights we can be found from about 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the parking lot opposite Sojourner House on Barstow Street in Eau Claire, WI ministering to people who are living on the streets. We offer them warm clothing, gloves, hats, blankets, water, candy, hygiene kits, and whatever else we might have. If they need something that we don't have, we will try to get it! We also seek to connect resources offered by other ministries and governmental services to people who are in need. Beyond meeting the physical needs of people, we are also there to offer prayer, a compassionate ear, a human touch, and our friendship. We are a ministry that works with those who tend to fall through the cracks of our society.
Go HERE to see our latest Journal update!
Starting today We are now back in the parking lot opposite Sojourner House on Barstow Street on Mondays & Thursdays 5:30pm -6:30pm.
Julian Emerson wrote an interesting -- yet concerning -- article in UpNorth News about potential evictions. Here's the link so you have the opportunity to read it. Thank you, Julian, for your work.
Anouncing Chippewa Valley Rural Ministry! Click here for more info
Click on this link for a story by Julian Emerson on homelessness in the area and what the Street Ministry does to help:
Volunteers from Chippewa Valley Street Ministry are available to come to your church or group to share our mission, our experiences and our needs. We have spoken at youth groups, women's groups, adult education, as well as conferences. If you are interested in having a presentation, please feel free to contact us!
You are now able to make a donation thru PayPal to Chippewa Valley Street Ministry! Go to the "How Can I Help?" page to make a donation with either a credit card or with a PayPal account.